Posts Tagged ‘educate’


This is the question for today ,…..  

I am asked this daily too many times too count….. The answer is normal answer is …. I just don’t let it spoil my day.

I have a pain threshold that is way above normal parameters,” I have in the past walked 2+ miles with the full effects of Memgicocal meningitis” then a further 20 yards to the medical center explained what was wrong and what allergies I had before hitting the floor. On contact with the carpet my muscles relaxed and my whole body shakes. So I can cope with high levels of pain…. And if I say it’s sore or hurts it actually is very serious stages. After 40 years I have learned too manage and understand this very well.

My sence of humour is warped,fast and contagious, and my thought process is pro active not depressive. There is always a happy glow and smile on my face (even if the worst has happened or the day is really bad). Then I was blessed with strong broad shoulders that carry any hardship with ease. Personal drive too succeed and achieve,early bird catches the worm mentality. Strong heart that powers my frame ,educated , alert and active mind. Positive and realistic outlook on life and well lit path before me. 

It’s not an easy thing to pull off at all , fortunately I was born of hard stuff from strong natured DNA stock. But I have also had to graft and work hard on the combinations of this package. “Coping with bullies,insults,discrimination,pre conceptions,un educated,disrespect and generally scared people.” Still too this day people still try and dispose thier opinion on my look and intelligence.

I just walk away most of the time,but have put people in thier place verbally and realistically leaving them diminished and ashamed. Now being 6ft4 really helps and in the word of Billy Connely (I look more like a mugger than a mug E ). All achieved by time,work,polishing and most of all pride. 

Society is generally nosey and inquisitive,but also ashamedly un educated and ignorant. Inclusion is not part of life thanks too generation’s of installed prejudice and hate . Whether it’s colour,race,religion,disability,orientation or look these have been established over decade and melenia. It is the job of present generation’s to kick start the re education of the future too accept and understand.

Now I know that the above doesn’t resemble everyone but it is a large majority of society. I know a large section of people that are not tarnished by this. And accept ,ask and learn, we all come from the same cloth.  I don’t care for the above  indiscretion at all personality,brains and humour matter far more.

Your own inner strength is your beauty and determination drives you and inspires others to follow. 

Spinning tops and building blocks

Calydascopes of colour fall

Cars and vans in traffic jams

Dolls on the floor prams galore

Finger painting and messy clay fun

Shooting bubbles from a gun

Scooters zip and wheels spin

Time and again we skip and run

Balls of energy bouncing round

Do thier feet touch the ground

Silence falls investigate

Fast asleep where they played

Life is fun and full of joy

Child’s play to those who know


Posted: September 25, 2016 in Random
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Within my casket 

Enclosed and trapped 

In the darkness of pains rule

Breaking free with the power of word

Lyrically embellishing pages 

For others enjoyment and perusal 

Releasing feelings and words un said

Freedom from this solitude and smirk

Emblazend light of normality

Warms and comforts the twisted soul

Warrior brave humanities gain

Oh how freedom enlightens the soul

I never wondered where I would be,walking the routes laid for me.
Soaking up the information torrented and imported too my mental store.
Scribbling and noting the starred icons of gold
Tested by self and civilities quests learning too walk and examinations at school
I grow day by day despite of it all taller, wiser and stronger than most.

With contorted features and boggly eye
I stride towards the future with sparkle in my eye
Taking on challenges in every stride
Man made or natural they fall by the side
From strength too strength I charge at light speed
Not dragging my feet with depressive need

With surgeon’s knife and medical aide
My contorted expressions change on my face
Battered and bruised inside and out
I clatter on regardless free of doubt
Knocking me down with your verbilisations or physical charge
Enpowers my nature leading the charge

Through the halls of education and employment i advance
Striking at chances with two strong hands
From home town too deserts I have traveled with joy
Been stacking shelves and throwing bombs
I have love for this planet and the people within
Because of my personality and power within

Too all who have wavered and set road blocks for me
Thanks for the challanges and tasks set by thee
They strengthen my resolve Enpowers my will
They keep me above you with my comfort and skill
I come out at the end complete and bitter free
What have your choices left deep for thee

In reflections repost I praise and idolise
The poor fearful society that tried to repress me
They failed in thier tasks enbittered thier hearts
And most of all lost thier god given right
Bullies and tormentors never do win
If with belief in your self and strong mind,will and heart.

To all in the world down trodden and scared
Stand strong for your future and belief there in
Follow your path cut new routes of your own
Listen and learn avoiding the falls
Thiers only one thing that matters in your own worldly place
Doing your best with love,passion and grace


Placing faith upon this shell
Grasping the pole of hope propell
Punting along the river of life
Towards horizons far off wealth
Heart filled glee and mind off dreams
Pushing along alone and free
Intersecting continental grace
Wealth off difference in every face
As we flit from place too place
Intilectual growth and mental state
Indulgences of riches and palatable plates
Internal fears laid to rest
Far wealthier and wise this vessels sighs
No boundaries or wall can trap us in
Where worldly knowledges freedoms gained

Gardeners of Life

Posted: July 24, 2014 in Random
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The secrets abound
Hiden behind the door
Wonderment and freshness
Dare we slip through
Grasping the amazement
In both hands as our own
Protecting for future explorers
Tending and nurturing
The paths past,present and future
Growing new wonders and idealisms
Taking stock and building strength
Using skills to improve
Both self awareness and educatory advances
We are the gardeners of life
Producers of future chances
Passers of knowledge old and new


Born 1st August 1974 with a complex disfigurement of the skull. Similar to a cleft palate but in my forehead. My eyes were positioned round towards my ears, a 4″ inch ravean in my forehead,2 bumps positioned on my eyebrow line just above my nose. And my nose was the same length as the width of an average thumb.

From the age of 7 1982 I started a long and winding set of Maxifacial operations. Performed at the Southern General Hospital Glasgow,by the same team as Operated on the boy David from Brazil. Apart from Dr Thomson who adopted david.
  The first Operation was a 18 and a half hours on the operating table. 27 days recovery in intensive care and 4 further weeks on the childrens ward. A further 50+ operations followed untill the age of 14 1988.
  Bullied daily because I was different and people were scared of the unknown. Daily repetative name calling,pushing,shoving and worse. Where I grew up you either fought back got strong,or curled up and gave in.

Yes I stood out in the crowd and I was the odd man out. But hey how amazing can that be !! , let me explain , I have an inbuilt story. Mother nature dealt me this oddity aswell as strong mental ability , broad shoulders and a stubborn streak. I had and still do have an answer for everything,sence of humour and determination to prove people wrong.
  Yes the daily battle was painful,depressing,hurtful,questionable,distroying but charactor building, drive building, powerful,Spiritual and friendship building. I know all too well that it is hard and people children especially are cruel and petty. Yes even now at nearly 40 I still get strange looks name calling ect.

Here is the best part I have served my country 10+ years as Guardsman and Marine , been a NHS Nurse , Coached sport at all levels,qualified as a Physio,personal Trainer, Traveled 3 quarters of the world and got married with 4 gorgious children. There is a brighter side to all the anguish and hurt.
  And I know everyone is different but we are also the same I chose to make my victimisation work for me instead of putting me down. I rose up and grew into who I am now
This Strong,polite,personable,educated and grounded person. I personally am thankful to all my bullies,doubters and haters Family,enemy or stranger alike.
  You are and always have been the wind in the sails of this great ship that has sailed above and beyond that of most of your lives. I have no regrets or hang ups at all yes I am hard on myself and sometimes put myself down too much (some who may read this know this well) but I am here and doing things my way despite it all ;).

(Talk to someone deal with you first ignore and become deaf to the doubters and haters) Rise like the Pheneix and show your guiding light.