Posts Tagged ‘conceptual’

Arts Freedoms

Posted: September 29, 2016 in Random
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Scribbles on a page

Incoherent and visionless spear

Doodle tactic scraps gather

Inlaid and purified darkens edge

Clarity transfuses before optically set

Pixilateded and fragmentational satire

Brush over pen inclusion of opinion

Mater pieces exploded with colourific splendour 

Contemporary,natural or new age

You choose your strokes breath life

Swirl or flick in anyone direction defines your set

Less is more beauty is unclassified

The inevitability of societies behaviours

Captured on canvass burnt embers set forever

Charcoal dusts , occurs hew the true run of water colour

As with lyricists writings art is freedoms chariot

What is fear
We live hidden under masks
Taking for granted
That which is layed before us
Oblivion becons
Mentaly scared tortured always
Fighting demons
Thrust apon us by socialisation
Beligerance and hatred
Un educated and simplified
They read but do not learn
Watching without seeing
Hearing but not truelly listening
Ecapsulated in pleasant form
No visualisation of fears

We the scared and damaged
Travel lonely
Paths baron of visions
Pleasures of naturalisation
Devoid of empathy
Lacking understanding
Curiose of society
Poked,prodded and agitated
Shunned and laughed at
The buttresses upon which is laid
Putrid profanity and damb nation
Physicality of fears hidden
The visions of social eneptness
Inlaid and Gilted around us
Risen and enriched
We battle forth
Enlivened and purified by self
Rich in knowledge
Free from shackles of life
We divide society
With our pleasant demener
Confidantly forging forward

Onwards and upwards
Forward and alive
They shall not condem
Or lay us to the soil
For they will dispatch before us
We will enrich and enliven
Spread words of unity
Dispel all haters
And climb free once and for all
No matter the reality
Despite the disparigers
This is our duty to societies future
Telling our stories breeding confidance
And passing the strength to those less fortunate
Success is being alive

The inheritance of hatred
Divulged by societies teachings
Launched at the miss fortune
Of the week and defenceless
Disguised as religious and semonistic knowledge
Discrimination cloaked in darkness
Fuels the spirit beneath my soal
Rocketing my determination
Galvanising my resilience
Allowing me to acheive greatness
Despite all laid waist before me
And all attempts to quench my ire
My life is for living
The path I choose needs no acceptance
Or the permission of others
Fuel my fires, drive me forth
Stand in awe as my wings
Gilted in gold spread and lift me high above you
This is acheivement this is true self

Life cources……freedoms
Pathways…… acheivement
Skeletal. ………imperfections
Internalised. ….and perfection
The glory of humanity
The picture of health
The complex diversity of us
The similarities we all share
And the freedom of imagination
To mindfully live as one


     In the ocean of life
     I am a wave
     Crashing on the rocks
    Spraying droplets of self
    All around cast into the air
   The spray of trust
   Showering the surrounds
    Tossing myself asunder
   Peace after peace
   Disecting indavidualism
   Societies channels constraining
  The eb and flow tussles
  Ripping my soul from flesh
  Leaving me devoid of feeling
  Dreading the following day
  And what oceanic position
  My body should end
  Why is my life so fluid
  Where will it end


      Societies asimilation
      Oritory of conceptions
      Media led instruction
      Governance with subliminality
      Brain washed with every sense
      Senses awash with miss    information
      Humanity void of indavidualism
      Sheep mentality grows
      Indaviduals shunned and melined
      Be yourself and rise
      Become the brightest light
      Wear the colours of change
      Become who you want too be
      Not a DROID of humanisation
      Be self with pride
      Expand your world beyond
      The conceptual boundaries
      Live your lives to the fullest
      Become your dreams and ambitions



Day dawns fresh and clear
Clouds dance in air light and free
New ideas germinate
Drawing strength from nutrients
Hidden deep beneath the earth
Taking shape and reaching up
Driven by hunger
Full of desire
Flung into action by you and I
First steps of many
One after the other
Striking down paths invisibly set
These are the wishes and hopes of fate
Waiting patiently at the gates
Grasp them strong and hold them tight
Lets combine lives and take golden flight


The wisdom on the wing
Scavaging for answers
Picking at the putrid informed
Spreading notions free
Black as night
Free on the wind
Condemned as evils kin
By the wary and uneducated
Nature definitions differ
Placed on earth in their place
Hardy and powerful
Too lay waste too perils
And protect the weak
Watching from perches high
Living in families
Groups safety blessed and true


Bodies strewn across the landscape
Shells of thier former selves
Hollow lifeless and cold
The brain whirls at speeds unreconiseable
Playing over and over again snipits in time
Vivid as if exact and poiniant
Realistic beyond beliefs gaze
Alone in this hellish dark void
Screaming in silence unheard by all
Miss understood by the masses
Looked upon as weird
Medicated into meekness’s submission
Contemplatory acceptance of place in time
Poles apart from true mental state
Fighting those demons charging towards us
Leaving shells devoid of life strewn on the landscape
To continually replay and haunt our souls