Posts Tagged ‘Rights’

When you peal my skin
Revealing the surface below
Impurity and devistation
Blood crimson red
It will not define me
Or defeat the power within
It will just compound
The truth and heart there in
Fix it up and stich it tight
And put me back to bed
I will awake with a smile on my face
And the confidance will shine

Those haters and doubters
Through my life
And people who can not be
Will gape in awe of what’s set a fore
And languish where they sit
To keep up with me or be your best
You have too put you self behind
Pick up my leed and fall in line
Do what must be done
Not needing to be asked or told by some
Intinctivly just move
For at your ages it is unheard
To be instructed in simple life

So stop you paranoid acts
And lazy task
Of others doing your job
Everyone sees you lack and luster
And bow thier heads in shame
It’s not for us to lift you up
Or prod you to awaken
But for you alone to get off your ass
And stand to be accepted
No excuse or story bold
Will be accepted any longer
Pick up thy shovel and dig with the rest
On the coal face that is life
Do not question or meline
The reasons for the silence
For people will only explain themselves
So many time before the fall silent
This is why you must take note
Of the reasons behind them

The Spark

Posted: January 29, 2016 in Random
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The Spark

That one person
Heart races palms are clammy
Dry mouthed you wait
Anticipation on which you thrive
Palpitations the glint in your eye
Spring like steps
Confidant appearance
That something special in the air
Crowds that bustle that disappear
Only when that person is near
The spark in your heart
Your reasons to live
That person you want to live your life with
Grasp tight never let go
For they are the one too help you grow
The power to your blade
And the meaning of life
Husband true or fairest wife
No matter the look
Orientation or creed
There is no replacement for those we need

The contempt you wield
For my existence
My loyalty too my life
The ability too strip me of dignity
My empowered soul screams
The assistance never arrives
Silent screaming of sinues
The howls from a troubled mind
You smirk at my attempts
To conform to the expected
Normalities guise is tattered
Damb you disfunction
Your mental physicality
Putrifies souls dragging them down
But I will not lie down
I will never cease to strive
I am a lion
The true warrior
Countermanding your orders
Is my right
This will defile your attempts
Throw asunder your reign
And allow me and my fellow sufferers
To live life too the full
And rise high out of your enforced mire pit
To emblazened highs never thought possible
We will win I will lead the contingents
I have and will forever
Dispell and devour your bile
So others do not have too
You may take our bodies and minds
But our freedoms are our own
To shine and make aware our brilliance

Who goes their
Is the loud cry
Friend or foe
The question at hand
Click of the switch
Safety is off
One in the chamber
Fingers do twitch
Firmly in sights
Light them up fast
Destinguishing marks
Do we recognise
Shrilled once more
Silence the reply
Metal let’s flow
Tac a Tac Tac atac
Verberate’s all around
Aproaching bodies fall to the floor
Repelling our borders
Keeping us safe
No political envy or parliament praise
Guards on the borders and around our shores
Protecting the rights of all who live here
From enemies forgien or domestics of fear


Soft and fair
Silky complection
Pearcing eyes of blue
Diminuative and meek
Swaithed in regal finary
Benevalance and pride ooze
Temptress and lover
Ruler and femaninity
Mask the ferocity of heart
within this timid facade
Beats the power of thousands
Warriors blood calmed cources free
No man or goverment
Has the right to rape this soil
Adore and protect
This princess of virtue
True love conquers all
She is yours
Gaze deep into her eyes
And love not oppress
For the wrath is strong
Ferocity and skill of explosiveness
Swell within her soul
Your actions dictate
Lover or fighter state within


Posted: June 29, 2014 in Random
Tags: , , , , , ,


Conscripted by legalisation
Ensnared under police state
Bled dry by legislators discrepancies
Pigeon holed by social expectancy
Ruled by monitory gains and losses
Political pawns without control
Survivors of predatory spaces
Scientific laboratory test subjects
Screaming in silence
Gesturing with motionless prose
Deafness personified non receptive
supposed superiorities regulation
Paid mannequins plying furrows
controlled by rules and law sets

  ( A follow up too Proud to be who I am)

        ( The Scots Guards on Parade)

I know how hard it is to be bullied and be made fun of all to well. Personally it made school hard as hell,from Primary (junior) school to University. Having everyone including your peer group on your back day in day out. Kids on your street,block or estate harang your every movement.
  Did I hide in a corner or skulk in shadows !! . No I did not, I done the hardest thing I could have choosen too do. I stood upto the bullies and sooth sayers. Not by violance at first but by using my wit,inteligance and speed of thought. Turning round or manipulating there own words or position, A verbal Karate,Ikido or judo if you like.
  This is by no means easy although once you start you dont realise at the time how hard it is. As I am only seeing know how strong I must have been to attempt this.
  It is not cheek,stupid remarks or idiotic behaviour that you use, it is how ever jokes(about youself) aswell as them,word games,inteligance about the situation and grit and determination.
   Disarming or even nutralising there point of view making others laugh and without realising changing perspectives of you ( who you are, why you are,how you feel and what you will not stand for). There are no classes in this unfortunatly or everyone would be doing it.
  And not all the tormentors or torment will stop , but it will put you in a far better mental,social and interpersonal place. That one day you could be writing this or speaking to others on any subject?

Through my operations I missed a lot of school,but with hard work and help I caught up and passed my exams rising me above these people scared of the unknown(me). I first joined the Army as a Junior Leader (the picture top of page) thats where that chaprter began.
  All these people saying because of my face and that I was a freak and hey you guys (from the Goonies). To name but a few where are they what have they done !!!!.
  A lot I know personally know have made there peice and we have buried hatchets. A lot didnt do well at school,have been in and out of jail(correctional facilities),taken drugs ect. They marvel at my acheivements and wonder why and how !!.
  They have lived with regret,anger and self pitty around there actions. And I forgave them and thanked them for what they had done. With a smile a hug and even a pint or three.

There are those hard lined bigots out there that you can not change or get through too. That is not your fault it is down to them wholely and fully.

Forgive yourself before others and follow your path. Take those friends and believers with you.Leave doubters,haters and spoilers to languish in there own pitty.



What would you do if you had the chance !
Go for a run a meal or a dance
Wait for a chance or Grab with both hands
Follow the crowd or take your own path

I make my chances
I take my own path
Leading the way
Despite what they say

Do as they do or select the right way
Cower to preasure or stand proud your way
take up lifes challanges and win the day
Or hide in the corner with nothing to say

I make my chances
I take my own path
Leading the way
Despite what they say

Be indavidual is what I say
Free from shackles that fall your way
Proud to be you who every that may be
What ever your choices thats your life to lead
No mater you race,sexuality,religion or need

    Lead from the front in a heart beat.