Posts Tagged ‘prayer’

I never wondered where I would be,walking the routes laid for me.
Soaking up the information torrented and imported too my mental store.
Scribbling and noting the starred icons of gold
Tested by self and civilities quests learning too walk and examinations at school
I grow day by day despite of it all taller, wiser and stronger than most.

With contorted features and boggly eye
I stride towards the future with sparkle in my eye
Taking on challenges in every stride
Man made or natural they fall by the side
From strength too strength I charge at light speed
Not dragging my feet with depressive need

With surgeon’s knife and medical aide
My contorted expressions change on my face
Battered and bruised inside and out
I clatter on regardless free of doubt
Knocking me down with your verbilisations or physical charge
Enpowers my nature leading the charge

Through the halls of education and employment i advance
Striking at chances with two strong hands
From home town too deserts I have traveled with joy
Been stacking shelves and throwing bombs
I have love for this planet and the people within
Because of my personality and power within

Too all who have wavered and set road blocks for me
Thanks for the challanges and tasks set by thee
They strengthen my resolve Enpowers my will
They keep me above you with my comfort and skill
I come out at the end complete and bitter free
What have your choices left deep for thee

In reflections repost I praise and idolise
The poor fearful society that tried to repress me
They failed in thier tasks enbittered thier hearts
And most of all lost thier god given right
Bullies and tormentors never do win
If with belief in your self and strong mind,will and heart.

To all in the world down trodden and scared
Stand strong for your future and belief there in
Follow your path cut new routes of your own
Listen and learn avoiding the falls
Thiers only one thing that matters in your own worldly place
Doing your best with love,passion and grace

Hold my hand
Here is the key
Take it and hold it dear
You are my world
Beside you I know no fear
This key is special
It only opens one door
You are it’s keeper
The holder of life
Don’t play with my emotions
Mistreat or meline
Love , cherish and care for
My love and my mind
We are completeness
True one in every way
Linked together
In body,mind and heart
Stay with me forever
Never stray or depart
That key too  my heart
I bestow on you
My true friend and lover
The always be true
You are my Happy Everafter
Spending every day just us two

Where have you gone
The empty space where you sat
The impression on the mattress
Your perfume on my clothes
Your tea stained cup
The dusty shoes in the hall
Still hanging lifeless drapery in the closet
Memories flood with every step
Expectation of your appearance
Every time the doors swing
How can I greave
As you still linger around
When will the hurt go
What can I do
Who will unlock my soul
The love that will never die
The life unforgettable
Sleep well my love
Stay as I remember
But pain and stressless
We will meet again with open arms


Hear my Prayer

Posted: August 3, 2014 in Random
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To the Lord above
Keep my family safe
Give them strength
A heart thats true
And civility in your mould

I follow
From your book
Of knowledge and life
Feeding the poor
And dealing with strife

To love my fellow man
With kindness and love
Living hand in hand
No conseptual mis givings

I may faulter
From time to time
As I am only human
With frailties fine
Heart of strength and honour true
A soul filled spirit
Go hand in glove
Be my guider and spirit fare
I will walk in your steps pre made