Posts Tagged ‘clarity’

Cold morning air
fills the lungs and caresses your face
Quietness Deafens you
as the solitude of the early morning welcomes
The freedom to roam
enthrals and invigorates your soul
Striding out with purpose
at a gentle pace
Filled with contemplation
reflexion of the days and times past
Stresses fall freely
the heart is enriched
As you welcome the dawn
Nature sings and carry’s
a welcome like no other ever before
Start the clean page given
do not falter or wain
For you are alive
free from all and ready to take on the day
Shout good Morning World
and start a new

Set me free
Too spread my wings
Soaring high within the clouds
Acheiving the highest
Ability will allow
Living dreams and being me
Free from your tiraids and abuse
Lifted higher than you would allow
Unbound and complete
Without shame or fear
Being me and running with the crowd
The guiding light I should be
Dealing only with fate
And making my own path

I left because of pain
The violence in my brain
Tortured by your intolerance
Damaged by your physicality
A love once born free
Hammered and beaten
Too inches from death
Lost know forever
Trust obliterated from my sole
This beauty did not seek
A beast too brutalise
Her sole or virtue
It wasn’t yours you had no right
Being you does not give you parity
I am a being full of worth
Not a punch bag or torture vessel
I sit with the demons you gave me
I shrug and hide
From any contact with others
Because of you and your brutality
Demonic lusting for powers thrill
You will meet with Karma
And on that day you will fall
As I rise and unfurl my wings once more
Time will heal with care
And once more I will be
Confidant and trusting again
While you battered bruised and alone
Will wilt and die in the hole you have dug

We The People

Posted: September 26, 2015 in Random
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We deserve to be heard
As indaviduals we rise
Seperating from the mass
Acheiving the best results
Becoming a unit
Working in unison
Delivering the outcomes laid afore us
But Seperating our indavidualism
Listen to us I aplore you
The conglomerates and bosses
As we the people
Make your jobs easier
Providing incomes and outcomes
Less fragile than hollow plans
The people matter
Whether paid,voluntary or as custom
No differential applies
The one is a part
The whole is an art
The Acheiving is democratic not dictated
We the people are all incompasing
And rule despite your rules


Emptied mind
Floating free
Sailing on fluffy clouds
Dancing and cavorting
No agenda’s
Lacking purpose
Void of feeling
Sun beats on our skin
Wind teasles our hair
No noise or bustle disturbs
Our peace and solitude
Escape and evading


      Timelessly held
      In animations frailty
     Awaiting seasons change
      Painting the earth
    With nature’s brilliance
    Nutralities indiffering smile
    Warm glows of change flow
    Chronologic passing of time
    Benevolence and parity return
    The peace and heaven free


Futures rights of Passage
Conglomerates of indavidualism
Battling the unseen foes
Embarked on egos regulatory skirmish
Taking down tormentors
Bannishing indiscretions
Protecting the trueness of the one
Vanity and consept complete
Sanctity from evils
Weilder of virtues sword
Terrors agressors pacified
Pureness returned too the tortured soul
No biblical meaning of note
The Templers name is shrouded fare
Procastinations no longer mire
Acceptances reliances live long
Minds are cleared
Simplicity and compasion rule evermore
Complete and wholey as one true entity
Safe in the knowledge off awareness’s guide


The filtering of sand
Through the toes
Feel breeze’s caress
Quiet of nature filling your ears
Waves laping gently angainst the shore

Gazing out into the horizon
Wondering what goes on
Way over there
No thought of time
Fret for place
All the dreams
Drift into space

Naturalistic tendancies
Fill your brain
Body and soul
Feel no pain
Mind is clear
The path is straight
No worldly worries
Too contimplate

Splash of water
Laps your skin
As through the wash
You skate and skim
Ambling along
The golden sand
Breathing in goodness
Exhailing the bad

The worlds at peace
No war or worry
Nothing seems
Too want to hurry
Gliding on the winds of change
Contemplation and thought

This is the place
Of minds desire
Burn the stresses
On the fire
Return to nature
Relaxed and refreshed
Become yourself
complete and human