Posts Tagged ‘strife’


Posted: September 25, 2016 in Random
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Within my casket 

Enclosed and trapped 

In the darkness of pains rule

Breaking free with the power of word

Lyrically embellishing pages 

For others enjoyment and perusal 

Releasing feelings and words un said

Freedom from this solitude and smirk

Emblazend light of normality

Warms and comforts the twisted soul

Warrior brave humanities gain

Oh how freedom enlightens the soul

I once was fashioned a mask
To hide my twisted contusions
Time sailed by with armour strong
Heart of lion and back off steel
Nature of meekness with ability of the warrior brave
The mask has disapeared
Dropped from its rightful place
The magicians once more
Thier spells must weave
To right the wrong
Strengthen the armour as before
I never falter grow stronger by the day
Evils dare but never defeated
The embattled are the brave the quiet and the strong
We cry the silent tears and solve others woes despite our own
No quarter given or taken by most
Our stories develope but remain unknown


Posted: January 27, 2016 in Random
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Awaiting the charge
From actions taken
Deposed by societies blame
Criminalised by defaults setting
Being self at all times
Treading the path of choice
No guidance or persuasions led
The deliverance of truth and outcomes
Faith in abilities
Fruits born of achievements
Devoid of societies gaze
This is the true deliverance
Of self worth’s tireless work
Belief and hard work
Wins the battles and wars ahead

Darkness I hate you
You haunt me
Stealing my light
And every shade of my day
Dragging me down
Making me frown
Swirled through my dream state
Sleeping with eyes wide
Trembling with fear
Look like a zombie
Sallow and gray
Depressions indemnabilities
Spaced and distressed
Gone is my ego,confidance and more
Shunned by my family
Pushed into the unknown
Left to flail around
On the baronest of ground
Here is my fight
And dreams of the light
Hope limp and listing
Still hanging around
Praise to the gods
For releaf from my pains
But most of all understanding
By the societies hoards

You told them lies
I cried myself too sleep
I smiled every morning
Hiding fear so deep
I raised the bar every day
Ran the gauntlet
Fought all in my way
Took the hits from those unseen
Placed them in boxes
Never too be seen
Took strides to rise
High out of this putrid mirk
Sense of humour cheeky smirk
With fists of steel
Quick wits and fast thought
Days grew quicker
And tormentors turned
You still doubted my strengths
Putting me down
Lying to those aged above
Spreading your lies
And fairytale spin
This inperfect person
Born under your skin
Driven too acheive despite of it all
Praying that parents would stop the free fall
Years flew past and incidents cause
Blame was clearly laid at the wrong door
Your perfection mard
By your own stuborn ways
And the glaring imperfections
In the things you did say
Glass shattered around you
From that day too this
Constant reminders of dual standard bliss
Stronger than you in every way
Wiser and smarter I grew day by day
As a parent strong and respected be
Be proud of the fact I am me and not thee
Loving all children the same as the first
In thier own perfections
No matter thier cases
Unfaltering assistance
Without condition is Dailly at play


The scars unseen across my back
Etched in ridged formation
Mirroring every strike
Never noticed by the blinded
True nievities witnessless soul

Forged of steel like nature
Cast with plutonium heart
Powered by the hatred
Evil generations instilled
Un wavering in genetic pride
The warriors code distilled and pure

Daily battles faught and won
The long path of war
Solidly tramped and navigated
Scorthing the path
Indavidualy chosen
Destination unknown or planned
Never an obstical can faulter

Forward the push and struggle
Knight,king or freedom fighter
No matter the cause or reason
The plan and battle are one
Societies nurtured and copied
Behaviours and beleifs implanted
Implamented and delivered
By Robotic clones without self

We the down trodden
Are raised to be differing souls
To push against the regime
Producing better and extraordanary examples
To educate and enlighten the masses
In darkend cities we supply light,wisdom,truth and reality

Find your path be the true and acheive your greatness dispite all in your path


The power of one
Inherant of being
Pulling together
In the unit of one

Spreading the love
Hardship and longing
Complete in the peace
And knowledge of life

Step by step
Internally growing
From infant young
Too older and wiser

Whether a child
Relationship or other
Strength is gained
And love is honoured

Respecting the many
Ignoring the few
Life is complete
When striving with you