Posts Tagged ‘progress’

It throbs full of life
Moving beneath our feet
Showing it’s beauty in colour and light
New beginings flourish before our eyes
Crisp fresh and alive
Despite our attempts to meline
Corporations manic consumption
Humanities forcefull growth
Life cources along
Policing itself and humanity
Take heed recognise the signs
We the minions have been warned
Mother Nature is on the prowel
We the castodians of the greatest living museum
Are allowing it’s distruction
It’s starvation and dehydration
Nature aged more than we
Is depleting faster than we know
Consiquences of our own greed
Consumers and instigators
Living in fear of conglomerates power
Governed by the blind
Blinkered by power given by us
The Tsunami is coming natural
Un defendable and with more power
Than any constructed weapon
Maybe not in our lifetime
But the warnings are there
Closed forever ,unsustainable depravity
Will you stand ?, will you fight ?
Or will you just hide your head
And remotely watch it die


Day dawns fresh and clear
Clouds dance in air light and free
New ideas germinate
Drawing strength from nutrients
Hidden deep beneath the earth
Taking shape and reaching up
Driven by hunger
Full of desire
Flung into action by you and I
First steps of many
One after the other
Striking down paths invisibly set
These are the wishes and hopes of fate
Waiting patiently at the gates
Grasp them strong and hold them tight
Lets combine lives and take golden flight


Posted: May 28, 2014 in Random
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                        we go
               engines burning
          embers glowwing hot
                   into the blue
                   Soaring high
                   we go higher
              through the clouds
            stratispheric glances
    Tapers of whispy white cotton
Trail from tips of steel like wonder
Grabbing,swirling threw electro blue
                The edge of space
                  Thinly seperated
                     throttles back
                       away we go
                           into the

five-minute-plank-workout office-workout TV-workout

No matter your age health or ability

These workouts are easy and worth while

  ( A follow up too Proud to be who I am)

        ( The Scots Guards on Parade)

I know how hard it is to be bullied and be made fun of all to well. Personally it made school hard as hell,from Primary (junior) school to University. Having everyone including your peer group on your back day in day out. Kids on your street,block or estate harang your every movement.
  Did I hide in a corner or skulk in shadows !! . No I did not, I done the hardest thing I could have choosen too do. I stood upto the bullies and sooth sayers. Not by violance at first but by using my wit,inteligance and speed of thought. Turning round or manipulating there own words or position, A verbal Karate,Ikido or judo if you like.
  This is by no means easy although once you start you dont realise at the time how hard it is. As I am only seeing know how strong I must have been to attempt this.
  It is not cheek,stupid remarks or idiotic behaviour that you use, it is how ever jokes(about youself) aswell as them,word games,inteligance about the situation and grit and determination.
   Disarming or even nutralising there point of view making others laugh and without realising changing perspectives of you ( who you are, why you are,how you feel and what you will not stand for). There are no classes in this unfortunatly or everyone would be doing it.
  And not all the tormentors or torment will stop , but it will put you in a far better mental,social and interpersonal place. That one day you could be writing this or speaking to others on any subject?

Through my operations I missed a lot of school,but with hard work and help I caught up and passed my exams rising me above these people scared of the unknown(me). I first joined the Army as a Junior Leader (the picture top of page) thats where that chaprter began.
  All these people saying because of my face and that I was a freak and hey you guys (from the Goonies). To name but a few where are they what have they done !!!!.
  A lot I know personally know have made there peice and we have buried hatchets. A lot didnt do well at school,have been in and out of jail(correctional facilities),taken drugs ect. They marvel at my acheivements and wonder why and how !!.
  They have lived with regret,anger and self pitty around there actions. And I forgave them and thanked them for what they had done. With a smile a hug and even a pint or three.

There are those hard lined bigots out there that you can not change or get through too. That is not your fault it is down to them wholely and fully.

Forgive yourself before others and follow your path. Take those friends and believers with you.Leave doubters,haters and spoilers to languish in there own pitty.