Posts Tagged ‘living’

Spherical island
Mostly water meeting the sky
Continental islands dotted around
Molten core 0rotected by tetonic plates
Centuries of historical info buried thier
The planet you reside on MOTHER EARTH
Giver of life sustenance and wealth
Non material possessions true natural worth
Deformed and scarred by humanities want
Directions changed and buauty destroyed
Physically wanting to re write the book
Sending the fire,tremors and more
Waking of man too his pearlious ways
Forcing renewal and fiscal change
I am a power to be beholden and served
No truer being then nature itself
So step safe and sure follow the path
To constant migration on satalite earth
You are it’s keepers of antiquities old
It’s Animals,fauna and Oceans great
Stop the distruction and change your ways
There is no other dwelling that carries my name
I am home Earth large and yours

Placed upon earth
Striving for survival
Soaking up knowledge
From all that surrounds
Eyes wide open
Ears pinned back
Eternally questioning
Those on the path

We huddle together
For safety and warmth
To banish the darkness
For protection of worth
Forward we stride
Indavidualism our sheild
Against social awareness
And the horrors it weilds

From singleton to partner
We seamlessly pass
Hero and protector
To siblings amassed
New role and stresses
Passed in our wake
Headlong and onward
With confidant aire

We are but foils
Parting the air
So others may follow
And learn on the way
It’s not for us to be forceful
Or drag them our way
Just guide and enlighten
This who would dare

Born unaware
Of our place on this earth
Kept busy just living
Battling for worth
With hard work and laughter
We find true placement for one
And social acceptance
We take our turn

Enevitability takes us by the hand
Guides us with comfort
As time does pass
Everyone safe under our charge
Prepared in the knowledge
It’s our time to pass
They take on the journey
Upon us too walk
As one with the earth
And the universes birth
We watch them and smile
From positions on high
This is our journey
The reasoning why

Mother nature dealt the cards
A mask of iron solidly cast
Too show a front
To be socially adept
And not scare the children
Who are Unaware
Time rolled on without a task
Name calling and ridicule
Were my Dailly soup
Untill one day the mirror laughed
It didn’t crack or run a mile
Mother nature struck her blow
Tossing the mask too and frow
Dropping down too the floor
Too look at my suprise
No batted eyes from passers by
Not a wiper or a moan
My own name I hear more and more
So natural change
Personality by the pale
New horizons let’s set sail

Only a concept
Born by desire
Shooting through life
Flying higher and higher
Acheiving goals laying waste to challenges
The burning desire
To grow so bold
From the fire we cascade
Burning embers full of life
Energised and ready to go
Watch out world here we go

On the go
Here and there
Faster and faster
Inside outside up the stairs
Springing out of bed
Chasing the kids
Breakfast and changed
School run did
Walk the dogs
Off too work
Grab a coffee energy spike
Lunch on the go
Home again
Scholes run collections
Shopping gains
Dinner consumed,kids entertained
Changed for bed
Stories read
Lights of lullabies sung
TV changed seats been won
Kettle on cuppas made
Clobber on dogs again
Rain,hail,snow or sun
Running about till work is done
Darkness falls peace decends
Time for bed sleep begins
Alarm call set for start again

No batteries required
Attained or used
This is the toil
Dailly used

Life cources……freedoms
Pathways…… acheivement
Skeletal. ………imperfections
Internalised. ….and perfection
The glory of humanity
The picture of health
The complex diversity of us
The similarities we all share
And the freedom of imagination
To mindfully live as one


On my thrown in my place
I pervey all around
From the smallest insignificance
To the mightiest and most valuable
Passing on my virtues
And advising the unaware
Am I meek and quiet
Or do I rule with iron rod
I am self and strong
My land before me lies
Free and non descriptive
Pleasure and pain combine
All the same in every aspect
Protected by virtues rule
Domain of the free and alive


Standing still
Twitching in anticipation
Coaxed round hand in hand
Ticking invites chimes
Hourly alarm sounds
Standing still in space
Transfixed on its face
Complexions of thought
Whir like Swiss crafted pieces
chronography at its best
Intertwined seemless
One piece one body
Sub conscious motivations drive
Bodies of complex mechanics
Life and time bound
Hours,minutes ,seconds
Pass oblivious
As we stare into spaces complexity


Peace enwraps completely
Water laps steadily against all
Heart beats in similarities rythm
Playing in the steady figure of eights
Daddy long legs dances across the water
Life like and free casting aspersions on those below
Subtle and dignified continuous
From the dark depths below
The hunger driven Preditor
Idles steadily upwards
Sailing through the depths
Locking sences onto pray
Nine Oclock,twelve Oclock motion
Line launches forward
Flies tied tight leading the way
Flies again land softly on water
Cat and mouse like game convenes
Preditor/Pray and man/nature
Mimicking dailly lifes trials for both
As we all Cast our Lines