Posts Tagged ‘respect’

Carry me off on the wind
Scatter me hither and dither
Free my soul forever more
I have lived free
Fought for choices made
Defended the weak and feeble
Stood ground under adversity
Taken stands for worthwhile causes
Educated and passed on knowledge
Raised my children
In the path of strength and civility
Guided thier growth
Loved without condition
Held my hands out to aid the needy
Lived my life my way
Forsaken the doubters and haters
Survived and thrived
Despite all thier endevours
Life’s pitfalls and strife
Follow my example learn from my mistakes
I may be gone from physicality
But I thrive in the spirit
Of those loved and cherished
Family and friend alike
God speed you all on the journey of life

Who goes their
Is the loud cry
Friend or foe
The question at hand
Click of the switch
Safety is off
One in the chamber
Fingers do twitch
Firmly in sights
Light them up fast
Destinguishing marks
Do we recognise
Shrilled once more
Silence the reply
Metal let’s flow
Tac a Tac Tac atac
Verberate’s all around
Aproaching bodies fall to the floor
Repelling our borders
Keeping us safe
No political envy or parliament praise
Guards on the borders and around our shores
Protecting the rights of all who live here
From enemies forgien or domestics of fear


She slips silently forward
The peoples dreams clasped tight
Held in her femininity
Guile and beauty cascade freely
This diminutive figure
Filled with strengths abound
Normally born to masculine for
Confused and bewildered states
Cavort in joviality unaware
Powers held deep within
She is a warrior brave
Emblazened by scars deep
Filled with meanings personal
Consumed by feelings
Driving forward purpose and targets
Calmly she continues on
Winning battle after battle
Collecting friends and influencing outcomes
Without force or attempts
Her silent demeanor
Installs fortitude in other meek souls
This tiger of power and beauty
Survivors dream state
Mindful and ritchious
No longer victimised by the masses
She is alive and free


I am greatly Honoured that Patty nominated me for this award I hope i can continue to live up to this and show others caring and compasion through my writing and poetry.

Patty has an awesome blog just follow the link below

My nominations fot this award are

You dont have to accept this award you were nominated for your respect and heart shown through your work and with respect from me just pass it forward.