Posts Tagged ‘exercise’

Cold morning air
fills the lungs and caresses your face
Quietness Deafens you
as the solitude of the early morning welcomes
The freedom to roam
enthrals and invigorates your soul
Striding out with purpose
at a gentle pace
Filled with contemplation
reflexion of the days and times past
Stresses fall freely
the heart is enriched
As you welcome the dawn
Nature sings and carry’s
a welcome like no other ever before
Start the clean page given
do not falter or wain
For you are alive
free from all and ready to take on the day
Shout good Morning World
and start a new

Push up or Crunch

Posted: June 9, 2014 in Random
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Above are images of crunches and sit up varients. The Crunch is best for Ab toning and building, Against the Sit up which is a fuller range of motion and tines the hip flexors as well.
   In my experience a combination of both is best for overall results.
  Correct form is of optimum inportance Do not place hands behind neck or head as there is increased risk of spinal damage or disc displasure as you pull on the muscle and vertibrae.
  Place finger tips at back of ears and use core/ab muscles to pull your torso forward.
  If you can not manage a sit up or crunch !!!, exercise with a partner and get them to assist you by heping you up to desired height,then slowly control your return to start position by using core and ab muscles then repeat .
   After a while you will find that the opposite motion is easier allowing you to perform a crunch or sit up .

Always consult your Gp/medical proffesional before assuming exercise programme

There are many differing oppinions around on best types of exercise.
  A large majority though go for Deadlift or squats and its variations. And no you do not have to use “Weights” of any sort to benifit from these exercises.
  Simple Bodyweight on its own or with broom handle all the way to Barbell and Dumbbell for weighted variations.
  I have added the Images below for referance.


These show the muscles engaged during Dead Lift.



these above show form and process of the Dead Lift






These images above show the form and process for various squats.

                          Front Squat

      Muscles engadged during squats

No matter of age or fitness level these exercises tone and engage multiple muscle groups. Assisting fat burn,posture,core,general toning,and muscle building.
   From simple body weight too all forms of weight bearing lifts.

Always consult your Gp/medical proffesional before starting any exercise programme .

five-minute-plank-workout office-workout TV-workout

No matter your age health or ability

These workouts are easy and worth while


Waking up
Stretch and yawn
Hit the button
To put shower on

Jumps straight in
Wash me down
drying of with
warm Towel

Pull on cloths
brush my hair
kettle on
Toaster there

Fed and fueled
for the day
dogs on leads
and on our way

Trees of green
Feilds so lush
With cows and sheep
Peace an tranqual
Breezes still

Wander and roam
Pooches in tow
Over yonder hill
And down the fell

Back again to mechanic
Street welcoming people
That we meet
Open our door
Sturdy and strong

Water for dogs
Tea for me
What wonders
Await me
Today lets see.


I sleep where I want,when I want
From the floor to a Big Comfy Bed
Padding about no thought in my head
Sniff at the Floor,Fridge and the door
Snuggle my owner getting treats Galore

Getting excited as coats are put on
Wagging my tail and dance at the door
Pointing at hooks where lead does sit
Grabbing attention and blocking the door
Hoping is walkies time once more

The lead is clipped on
I pull and spin round
Trying not too put my owner too  ground
Sitting pritty and giving a paw
waiting impatiently for the opening door

Pulling for freedom forgetting my place
What was that command my owner suggests
Listen intently and do as I want
Too many smells and people too meet
Tug at my lead pull and drag down

Head for the grass to sniff, releave and prance
There is my friend wagging barking with joy
Hope I get freedom or they’re going for a trip
3,2,1 I am away darting and sniffing the wonders of play
Wide open spaces and no rules today

For hours and hours I frolic and play
All these new places and smells today
My Owner and friend the ball has thrown
Better calm down and take them home
Walking to heal and listening well

Back to the household cosy and warm
Carpets a fire and treats aswell
Getting a fussing a good bog am I
Too sit with my owner or somewhere to hide
This is the life as I settle to sleep

Dreaming of dinner,treats,walkies and sheep
My family and friends in this pack of mine
Oh when will it be dunner time
The joy and amazement that is

                    A DOGS LIFE


            ( an insite into how I cope )
                  ( My Own therapy)
                      ( And Assists)

After a trip to my Doctor for full service check. It was nice to get a medical prespective on my Fybro and how I deal with it.

I have suffered with total numbness in my left side,acompanied with severe pins and needles for 11+ years if not longer. Joint pain and stiffness with burning sensation only really noticed recently.
   The last 3 years have been the best since diagnosis. With a change in dietry habits and exercise along with Meds and proper rest. Throw in deep massage and hydro therapy I have ,
A) Lost 10+ stone
B) Improved Mobility
C) Lessened the effect on bodies systems
D) Improved mental and physical health



A concious effort to ensure proper eating and nutrient intake. Changing to best intake scedule/timings,and plenty fresh fruit,veg and meats/fish.
  The effects on the body are amazing over time,better energy,nutrient,cell and chemical production. Improved mobility,brain function,strength,flexability and pain management.
Which for any severe medical or health management is in my findings important.
Vegetables and Fruit:

Spinich,broccolli,Kale,Avacado,blueberies,brussel sprouts,onion,garlic,lemon grass,star fruit,pineapple,mango,peas,beans,
The key is the recommended 5 a day and learn how to juice or make your own smoithies. As it is the best way to get a lot of nutrients into your body fast.
  Fresh or frozen is best as the most nutrients are all trapped in the chosen fruit or veg.
These are the best ways to prepare your fruits or veg apart from naturaly raw.

Meats and Fish:

Grass fed meats are best as they gave only natural nutrients and a far better taste. Yes they are slightly more expencive sometimes but well worth it too reap the benifits.
  Lean meat like pork,lamb,veil,venison,rabbit,chicken,turkey,pheasant,beef,boar and emu
  Freshly caught fish full of Omaga three and natural nutrients. Oily fish are great as well as for exampleTuna,trout,salmon and snapper.

Always have a breakfast this is of ultimate importance as it fuels the body for the entire day. Then your neals tgroughout the day top up your calories keeping the bodies systems from producing spikes of nutrients and keeping the bodies homiostasis.
  Also this will assist any medication and help prevent degridation of stomach lining due to corrossion from meds ect.
Inbetween breakfast,lunch and dinner add a snack half way between each this stops exess hunger and binging. Throught the day by keeping the fuel levels topped up. And eat no later than 7pm to allow proper digestion and stop excess fat stores being built up.




Cutting out excess’s of salt,sugars and high levels of fats is also very important. As well as weight management this will improve your lifestyle,mood,ability,social,private ang general health for life.


Swimming is one of the best for anyone very low impact but by using every muscle you tone and build the whole body. All this while burning fat and assisting digestion,brain function,flexability,strength and mobility.
Cycling is another low impact but brilliant form of exercise that assists and doesnt cause excess pain or discomfort.
Then there is good old walking at a raised pace to keep the heart rate up. This is one of the easiest forms of exercise and its free.

Always Consult Your Doctor Before Begining Any Exercise Programme or activity.

Using these small changes I have mannaged to control to some point any effects on my health,body and lifestyle that Fybromyralga has caused or may still be too come.
  Doctor was chuffed that my meds are constant and not exessive. Did give me a small ticking off for not using them daily but conceeded that it seems to be working for me.

Take Control Do What You Can And Improve Your Life and Wellbeing Forever.