Posts Tagged ‘enbeded’

Darkness I hate you
You haunt me
Stealing my light
And every shade of my day
Dragging me down
Making me frown
Swirled through my dream state
Sleeping with eyes wide
Trembling with fear
Look like a zombie
Sallow and gray
Depressions indemnabilities
Spaced and distressed
Gone is my ego,confidance and more
Shunned by my family
Pushed into the unknown
Left to flail around
On the baronest of ground
Here is my fight
And dreams of the light
Hope limp and listing
Still hanging around
Praise to the gods
For releaf from my pains
But most of all understanding
By the societies hoards


Apon the softness
She lay still
Calm and peaceful
As if a dream
Shrouded in silken wings
Enwrapped and soothed
Spirited away from harms
Floating on clouds
They drift free
Enriched by light
As one unified
Peace and clarity blaze
The princess at rest
Her beast of burden protects
Sharing everything
One heart ,one soul entwined forever