Posts Tagged ‘walk’

Placed upon earth
Striving for survival
Soaking up knowledge
From all that surrounds
Eyes wide open
Ears pinned back
Eternally questioning
Those on the path

We huddle together
For safety and warmth
To banish the darkness
For protection of worth
Forward we stride
Indavidualism our sheild
Against social awareness
And the horrors it weilds

From singleton to partner
We seamlessly pass
Hero and protector
To siblings amassed
New role and stresses
Passed in our wake
Headlong and onward
With confidant aire

We are but foils
Parting the air
So others may follow
And learn on the way
It’s not for us to be forceful
Or drag them our way
Just guide and enlighten
This who would dare

Born unaware
Of our place on this earth
Kept busy just living
Battling for worth
With hard work and laughter
We find true placement for one
And social acceptance
We take our turn

Enevitability takes us by the hand
Guides us with comfort
As time does pass
Everyone safe under our charge
Prepared in the knowledge
It’s our time to pass
They take on the journey
Upon us too walk
As one with the earth
And the universes birth
We watch them and smile
From positions on high
This is our journey
The reasoning why

Step by step
Stride after stride
Three foot at a time
We propell ourselves forward
Weaving and passing
Inanimate obsticles on route
Excuse me is the battle cry
As person after person
We encounter
Beats rythmic tunes
Blast in our ears
Dancing along the way
The pace in time
The delivery of self
Too destination so private
Hundreds unaware we pass
Contemplation of our destiny
Venue of peaceful reflection
Oblivion is our companion
Aware only of ourself
Heart beating breathing in time
All at one with our system
Thoughts of our arrival
Plans for our treat
The relaxation and joy
Fills our soul
As destination acheived
And self assembly
Can be acheived
Of us in our place
Resting and relaxed
The hustle and bustle
Below our higher state
As we are lifter by our worth
Calm and at peace
Here we sit with our thoughts
Until the enemy
Time forces our return
Too realities condemnation
Societies weapon of choice


The horizon stretches far
Beyond our comprehension
Bewildering and new
It tantalised our senses
Drawing us forward
Powering achievements
Pricking curiosity alive
energizing focus and being alike
Propelling self forward
With excitement of future ventures
Place not yet explored
People not yet met
What is their truly to stop us
Stretch too horizons new
Take steps make journey
Live and explore
Freedom is ours now and always


Waking up
Stretch and yawn
Hit the button
To put shower on

Jumps straight in
Wash me down
drying of with
warm Towel

Pull on cloths
brush my hair
kettle on
Toaster there

Fed and fueled
for the day
dogs on leads
and on our way

Trees of green
Feilds so lush
With cows and sheep
Peace an tranqual
Breezes still

Wander and roam
Pooches in tow
Over yonder hill
And down the fell

Back again to mechanic
Street welcoming people
That we meet
Open our door
Sturdy and strong

Water for dogs
Tea for me
What wonders
Await me
Today lets see.