Posts Tagged ‘insomnia’


Posted: October 4, 2015 in Random
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Sitting in contemplations void
Surrounded by peace
In my own mind
Staring out at open space
Putting the world and stresses
at rest
Recharging the soul
Empowering heart
Bringing life back on track
Singing songs deep in my head
Realisations and plans
Put in place
No one can hurt me
Or reach me out here
I am truelly myself
With nothing to fear
I wish I could live here
Day after day
But life is for living
And acheiments out thier
I will visit again soon
My place full of rest
The best place I found
For Acheiving my best

Oh insomnia how you haunt me
Turning my life upside down
Eyelids heavy drooping down
Slumber becons
With its soft arms open wide
False sense of security
Lulling my soul
Head lays on pillow
Snuggling low
Counting of sheep
Calming sounds bound
But your devilish imp
Sparks full of life
Reading of books tinker around
Pacing the floor spinning around
Praying for slumber
Defiant to the last
Hours rush forward
Darkness flashes past
Feeling like days
Instead of hours delay
The planet sleeps soundly
As I sit awake
As they all rise rested and fresh
My ghostly form stands rigged in place
Taking on tasks Pilling up fast
Inteviniously fed caffeine
Boosting of self
Fearful of sitting or taking a rest
As day sleep the partner
Of insomnia’s berth


We awaken from our slumber
Rise and ready for the day ahead
  Fuel the body with nutrient energy
   Tackle the tasks put in our way
Build our circles without thought
    Gathering aquaintances and friends alike
     Break for lunch and social interaction
       Back to the toil and monetary earning
   Freedom speeds closer as time ticks on
Breaking from cover  heading for home

Boil the kettle after closing the door
   Keeping our trials firmly behind us
     Kick off our shoes and sit and relaxing
      Contemplations of events ahead
         Take stock and refuel the stores that are depleated
Chat to our friends or complete simple tasks
  Watch some Tv or out to the gym
    Soak in a bath as day nears its end
      Tucked up tight,safe and warm
   Heading for dreams ville till early morn

Like a movie reels that continue loop
  Days become rituals and times not our own
From this day forward we dance to a tune
Played by others or chosen by you
Indapendance of thought and indavidual ideas
Make time for ourselves and people so dear

You know the feeling. You have worked so hard all day eating healthy and exercising, only to derail all of your efforts with night time snacking! A couple of hours after dinner, you are STARVING and can’t seem to stop reaching for the ice cream and chips. It’s a problem I know all too well, but over the years I have implemented one or more of the following tips with much success. Experiment with one or more and find the one that works for you.
1. Eat enough during the day. If you try to save calories during the day, it may only backfire because you will end up with hunger pains at night. And no one likes to go to bed with a growling stomach! Make sure to eat high quality meals during the day so that you will be satisfied at night.
2. Ditch the “white” flours and processed sugars. Besides not being good for your health, processed white flours and processed sugars can spike insulin levels, which will cause you to feel hungry soon after your last meal. Ever eaten a lot of white rice at dinner only to feel as if you haven’t eaten at all about 30 minutes later? If you have, then you know exactly what I’m taking about. When this would happen to my husband, he would often complain that his dinner “didn’t take!”
3. Have a small portion of what you are craving. If you really want a piece of chocolate after dinner, then buy the best quality you can find and have a little piece. Sometimes that’s all it takes to be satisfied, and it can stop you from ingesting a ton of other empty calories. Just keep it to a small piece, and if you find that you are eating the whole chocolate bar, then try another snack until you find one that will satisfy you for a while.
4. Try having some fresh fruit or a fruit sorbet.
5. Drink a glass of water. Add some lemon juice and a few drops of stevia for a refreshing treat.
6. Brush your teeth. This is a tried and true method of stopping the late night munchies for two reasons; 1) food just doesn’t taste as good after brushing your teeth, and 2) who wants to go through all that trouble of flossing and brushing again before bed? It can make you think twice about having that late night snack.
7. Relax by drinking a cup of tea, reading a book, or listening to a chill out music CD.
8. Keep your hands busy: take up knitting, surf the web, or play your favourite video game. Better yet, dust off those old board games and play with a partner or the whole family.
9. Notice your trigger behaviors and change your nightly routine. If you notice that you are eating in front of the TV, then get up and take a walk. Often just a short 10-minute walk can help you to slow down and forget about the food.
10. When all else fails, just go to bed. Maintaining a healthy weight isn’t all about the food. When you are sleep deprived and have low energy you are more likely to reach for that sugary snack. Go to bed early and catch up on those all-important ZZZZZZ’s.