Posts Tagged ‘discrimination’


Stare into the sole
Deep and completely
Draw from the depths
The contentment and truth
Indelibly imprint the glory
Bannish the demons
Harrang and displace
The putrid stench of past
Raise up and live
Be completely self
Defy the odds and raise standards
Be who you were intended to be
Live free and guide with light


Alas he is no longer
No care too linger
Defiled no more
Free from oppressive shackles
Risen higher by rite
Way above your putrid uterance
Far from the obsessive pudulistic acts
Soaring with confidence
Illuminating all around with brilliance
Stronger of mind and conviction
Reborn from depressiveness
Realism and compasions flame
Kindled and managed with ease
Self confidence and civility
Now reign supreme
Immunised to torment and bully like viral intent
Flying high on chosen path
Released and free forever more