Posts Tagged ‘once’

Who goes their
Is the loud cry
Friend or foe
The question at hand
Click of the switch
Safety is off
One in the chamber
Fingers do twitch
Firmly in sights
Light them up fast
Destinguishing marks
Do we recognise
Shrilled once more
Silence the reply
Metal let’s flow
Tac a Tac Tac atac
Verberate’s all around
Aproaching bodies fall to the floor
Repelling our borders
Keeping us safe
No political envy or parliament praise
Guards on the borders and around our shores
Protecting the rights of all who live here
From enemies forgien or domestics of fear


The horizon stretches far
Beyond our comprehension
Bewildering and new
It tantalised our senses
Drawing us forward
Powering achievements
Pricking curiosity alive
energizing focus and being alike
Propelling self forward
With excitement of future ventures
Place not yet explored
People not yet met
What is their truly to stop us
Stretch too horizons new
Take steps make journey
Live and explore
Freedom is ours now and always


You tore us apart
With your silent attacks
Thrown years of dedication assunder
Miss understanding of self
Grips and tosses you freely
The dark depravity of your sanctury
Ommitted from lifeless optics
Rage internal rules flesh
Hatred and confusion hand in hand
Guide your developement
Mis guided angst peirces like darts
My uncoditional love drives me on
Hopeful in fates return of truth
Ignorance of behaviours
Dambed uncontrollable virtue
Driving a scewer through my heart
Dailly battles tier the soul
Loosing grip on reallities reigns
Depressiveness and benevalance hover
Ready to strike deep
Hope above hope strives
Faith wains at your ability to recover
Where in the darkness is your true brightness
That once emblazened our either and lives with warmth
Come back to us whole and radient
Fight hard my angelic heart
We are calling hear our prayers
Darkness is not your trueness
Let the love rebirth your inner peice
Be self once more and stronger
Our love is here ommitting light
To guide you through
Conviction of choices now your choosing
But we will never give up or give in