Posts Tagged ‘learn’

Spinning tops and building blocks

Calydascopes of colour fall

Cars and vans in traffic jams

Dolls on the floor prams galore

Finger painting and messy clay fun

Shooting bubbles from a gun

Scooters zip and wheels spin

Time and again we skip and run

Balls of energy bouncing round

Do thier feet touch the ground

Silence falls investigate

Fast asleep where they played

Life is fun and full of joy

Child’s play to those who know


The horizon stretches far
Beyond our comprehension
Bewildering and new
It tantalised our senses
Drawing us forward
Powering achievements
Pricking curiosity alive
energizing focus and being alike
Propelling self forward
With excitement of future ventures
Place not yet explored
People not yet met
What is their truly to stop us
Stretch too horizons new
Take steps make journey
Live and explore
Freedom is ours now and always


From the routes of Celts
I hail with pride
They define my heart
And national side

Through my love of writings
Freedoms gain
Friends I have gleamed
From nations fair

From Hollands true
And Wonderous joys
Too medical wisdom’s
From Porto Rico


Celtic souls
And boyhood chums
Too bishops from Main
Designers and chums

Retired veterans enjoying life
Escapism of published writers mirth
Too victims and supporters
Fans and travellers fair

What and eclectic
Gathering far from gaze
WordPress is a Wonderous place
From close connections to world’s far away



Life is hectic and complicated for many,the constraints put on individuals by social expectancies and stereo types. How do we break the chain: it’s comes down too mind set and networks. From interpersonal,social,individual and societies teaching and our own perceptualisation. We are brought up and our social slots and standing. How do we change: this is down to mind set and personalisation of situations,choices,interactions and delivery . What is normal/accepted: here is where a lot of people go astray, Why: because of fear !!!, because of our  social upbringing and class pigeon holing and blind faith in the perceptual growth and where we fit.

Changing how we see ourselves and where we belong is a challange we face daily. From the preasures from peer groups,media,area,family,interactions,education and society. We  bumble along and accept a lot of things despite ourself. Even though we complain and moan about it at the time. Do we change it: the norm for most is no as we are brought up not to rock the boat and this is where we are socially. Should we challange/change it: with many years of experience and trial and error I would defo say hell yeah.
  How can you grow and spread your wings?, where do you see yourself in 5 years?, Do you want too be healthy?, Do you want longer life?, Do you want to be the best you can be?, Do you accept yourself and how you are?, Is where you are and your social circle good for you ? And Are you a sheep that follows blindly or are you a leader and insperation.
  The above are all questions I have asked myself daily. The choices their after help change and shape the outcomes of that minute,hour and day. Should you care how this affects those around you ?. There should always be concideration of others around you but allowing thier stereo types and perceptions to rule your decisions is wrong. We are all individuals that have to take control and free ourself.  This is above all one of the hardest things too do and for many is never actually achieved. Mainly because of fear of failure or non acceptance by the external factors that keep us where we are by default.
  From our social choices to the food we eat humanity is far too easily lead by the conceptions of worth and the norm. The people who strive for thier own perfection and life goals are seen as rebellious and sometimes selfish by the majority. But these people also become important people in society and their social group. Why because they achieve and push boundaries and others follow thier example because of the visual and physical benefits of thier choices. They become by default the leader of thier pack as it were. Driving others to strive and push thier boundaries without realising it at all.
   For those of us that are parents or have younger siblings we see this every day by what the kids or younger siblings do. Our actions have direct impact on thier choices,likes,dislikes,phobias,fears,social circle,choices and personal goals.
  This is why regardless of personal situation we should all challange our standing,step outside the box,educate and inform ourselves, make educated choices,strive and challange,raise the bar and be the best we physically and mentally can be.
  Surround ourselves with like minded people.Lose the negative and spiteful influences that drag us down, move forward learning from mistakes or blips in our journey and continually giving 150% to our goal acheivement.
   Not allowing the word failure to encapsulate us but drive us to change direction and push forward. It’s ok to change direction or go back a few steps to take on a divertion or 40 to get to the goal in any task we set ourself 8n life. Accomplishments are never straight forward so take the de tour enjoy the scenery on our journey. Let’s arrive at our destination with all the facts,clear picture and everything else intact.


Posted: July 14, 2014 in Random
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                Insecured abilities

           Precautionary stumblings

    Investigatory intersectual advances

Prying eyes and inquizative mindfullness

      Searching quizical utterances

        Bamboozalment of natures

       Intersections of life abilities

   New and unknown features apear

  Closer and clearer visual explosions

Lighting up imaginatory conseptualisms

     Faith grows in indavidual abilities

New skill sets manafactured and grown

     Invigoured and contented self

       Tackling new and unknown

   Expands and educates potential


New beginings
  Changes and alterations
     Acceptance of new and unknown
        Practice and preservation
          Lifestyle and socialisations
            Egotistical and self awareness
               You,yourself and choices made

This is the circle of future acheivements
Continual and repetative
In the deviness of choice
Willingness and advetures
Abound and aplenty
For those that dare to try
Acheive or fail
Is not the question
Try or not try
Is the challange ahead

These choices are self selective
Indavidauls alone
Shared with simbiotic partners striding along
Take elected chances firmly in hand
Put in the effort success is the plan
Empower,improve and grow in every way
Never give up keep the doubters at bay