Posts Tagged ‘air’


Posted: May 28, 2014 in Random
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                        we go
               engines burning
          embers glowwing hot
                   into the blue
                   Soaring high
                   we go higher
              through the clouds
            stratispheric glances
    Tapers of whispy white cotton
Trail from tips of steel like wonder
Grabbing,swirling threw electro blue
                The edge of space
                  Thinly seperated
                     throttles back
                       away we go
                           into the


wings spread wide
Wind in your hair
Ant like people
Way down there
Jostling and pushing
silent shouting

None notice
The freedom you have
Careless pasture
Up in the sky
Electric blue
Sun on your face
Free from the frantic pace

Swooping and soaring
In freedoms bliss
No intentions
Minotonis regeme
Fresh and clear
Brain in nuetral
Etching dreams
Beside the clouds

Break the chain
Let freedom chance
Pick up your life
With both hands
Wash it clean
and air it dry
As on the breeze
you effortlessly fly

Back to reality
Earth to touch
Angelic peace
No need for rush
Return back too
The human race
Attacking life in your new space