Posts Tagged ‘tortured’

I once was fashioned a mask
To hide my twisted contusions
Time sailed by with armour strong
Heart of lion and back off steel
Nature of meekness with ability of the warrior brave
The mask has disapeared
Dropped from its rightful place
The magicians once more
Thier spells must weave
To right the wrong
Strengthen the armour as before
I never falter grow stronger by the day
Evils dare but never defeated
The embattled are the brave the quiet and the strong
We cry the silent tears and solve others woes despite our own
No quarter given or taken by most
Our stories develope but remain unknown


All consumed by darkness
Shivering in the frozen waste
Disorientated by blackness
Void of emotions
Gripped by fears stength
Drained of confidance and respect
By dipressive and heavy concerns
Memories replayed time and again
Vivid as the day they occurred
Disalusioned by people’s lack of compassion
Strained and alone we float and Bob
Fighting the demons loosing the battles
Winning wars of mindful torture
We sub conciously omit the guiding light
Unaware of our own strengths
Others avoid the rocky paths and pit falls
We the embattled lead the way too brighter days