Posts Tagged ‘Italian’


From the routes of Celts
I hail with pride
They define my heart
And national side

Through my love of writings
Freedoms gain
Friends I have gleamed
From nations fair

From Hollands true
And Wonderous joys
Too medical wisdom’s
From Porto Rico


Celtic souls
And boyhood chums
Too bishops from Main
Designers and chums

Retired veterans enjoying life
Escapism of published writers mirth
Too victims and supporters
Fans and travellers fair

What and eclectic
Gathering far from gaze
WordPress is a Wonderous place
From close connections to world’s far away



The fearless 
  Freely flew in graceful birds
Laden with freedoms strike
Delivering their loads
From firefly littered skies
No care for self against the odds
Dropping bombs and dodging shells
From safeties shores
Too alien skies
Theirs was too do and sometimes die
Remember the brave,revere thier stories
Spread thier glory through the years
Never forget the heroic chaps
That clung to life on engine and flaps
Praise to all young and old
Our pilots and crews true and bold