Posts Tagged ‘adventure’


Small and chestnut
Full of life
Bundle of joy
Trouble and strife
Fresh of face
Filled with fun
We welcome you Rusty
Bring on the fun
Cooper the Spaniel
And red number one
The leader and teacher
Romeo is the one
Our family welcomes the joy in the sun


The horizon stretches far
Beyond our comprehension
Bewildering and new
It tantalised our senses
Drawing us forward
Powering achievements
Pricking curiosity alive
energizing focus and being alike
Propelling self forward
With excitement of future ventures
Place not yet explored
People not yet met
What is their truly to stop us
Stretch too horizons new
Take steps make journey
Live and explore
Freedom is ours now and always


Alone and walking through the dark shrouded hovels of this deshevald town. Shutters drawn tight glimpses of flickering candle light peeking from thier edges. Boots and leggings plastered with mud as I drag myself homeward. Waifs and strays litter the ally ways danger lurking in the shadows hidden from societies gaze. It’s only yards to the door but feels like hundreds of miles. The rain beats down and wind howls and blows with icy fingers slapping any bare flesh, making the atmosphere eirie and daunting.Fear hangs heavy on my heart as my pace quickens,as much as these conditions allow.
  At last my front door,drawing it open the warmth of the open fire meets me.Filling the air with tempered welcoming caress, dragging me in defrosting my body and soul and thawing the innerds. Wrenching the sodden over coat from my shoulders tossing it upon the hook pinned to the door. Towel drying my hair and face I fill the cast iron kettle and hang it above the fire. Pull up my rocking chair I squelch down on its well moulded seat. Stripping of my second skin tight shirt and draping it over the fire side bench. The heat invigorates my damp,frozen skin as the colour slowly returns with every second. I pour myself a warming cup of nettle tea and mix my gruel and dates scattered through it.
The wooden bowl welcoming and comforting as it clasps with love the heart warming goodness smiling up at me .
Just as I rest my copper handled spoon back in the cradle of the bowl the door is thrown wildly open. Filling it’s frame now was Algran the captain of the guard and towns protector. Falbraf he screeches, I need to talk too you about a very disturbing matter. Oh Ok (sigh) what’s happened and who has rustled your feathers . Come in and shut the door,pull up a chair. Nettle tea ?, now let’s see what I can do too help.

The northern outpost has been raided by hooded unknowns. All supplies taken dwellings destroyed and women and children captured. What of the garrisoned men , I asked , All killed or badly injured. They have just been carted in through the gates by Malkin the trader.
What sort of weapons were used ? And is there any information that can be gleemed from other injuries?. Skallins has never seen the like before in his 60 years , and wants you too cast your eyes over them and see what you think.
I am no worrior or surgion “I grumbled” but I will come down and cast my eye over the carnage.
Grabbing clean attire and boots tossing them on and grabbing my already dry coat off we went marching towards the main hall.
Pushing open the sodden oak door we entered the hall.Bodies strewn all around tended too by Skallins and his daughters. There were many varied injuries from weird slash like marks to contorted limbs hanging by sinues. “My god” I exclaimed what beasts ravaged these poor souls. Algran gulped I have never seen this before, colour draining from his face. I am away to check the perimeter I will be back soon.
Skallins wanders through the devistation Falbraf my good friend how are you. Your wealth of experience and worldly knowledge may come in useful know. I am only the inn keeper, this is my lively hood and personage. The past indiscretions and travels bare no standing with me. How can I be of service at this time.
Please cast an eye over these poor souls then I will show you the strange things we have found that were brought in with them.
Slowly and carefully I wandered round each casualty taking note of every bruise,cut,scar and mark on their bodies. My heart beating faster with every individual, flashbacks and memories hidden once more flood my mind.
These are not normal weapon marks I exclaimed, there are no consitancies with any armoured brigade I have ever had the pleasure of dealing with. What oddities were brought with these pitiful souls ? Can I cast my eye on them know dear friend.
I am taken into the old wine celler where tables have been laid out. Their was a mass of items covering every inch. Gazing at each item in front of me I could feel my colour drain and a chill set over me. Only once before had this feeling adorned me but that was decades ago and they could not still exist, “surely”.
Skallins my friend what is your opinion in these things. He turned to face me sullen and gray eyes shrouded in fear, he didn’t need to say anything for I knew what was on his mind as was on mine.

Life Void

Posted: May 22, 2014 in Random
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Sitting contemplating
Inter stellar intricasies
Of lifes conceptionalism

The planetarium of being
Against the dark void
Of Hanitarian Nature

Where does this satalite
Of self and preservation
Simulate and shower
Its galaxian embelished beauty

How do we navigate
And aviod the abys’s
That systmatically appear at will
Full of unknown dark foreboding

Engaging light speed
And shifting through times flux
This inter planitary adventure
Is Captained by belief,determination and self worth

This make shift crew of oneness
Idavidualism and creativity
Blazing trails never before discovered
We are the captain and crew
Of this ship of light

Make it so,Engage and On to infinaty and beyond