Posts Tagged ‘acheivements’


The vessel
Contained securely
Tied down tight
Thrust back with force
Hurtling across the waves
Clock ticking by
Speed reaches maximum
Nose lifts
Deafening silence
As the bird flips over
Nose over tail
Impacting with steely waves
Scattering sections asunder
Sent on my journey
Oblivion reached
The bird ripped and torn
Nothing was left
What was once their
Now vanished from view
The horror on faces
The sinking of hearts
What was so nearly achieved
Blown apart
If you live for the thrill  


Posted: January 27, 2016 in Random
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Awaiting the charge
From actions taken
Deposed by societies blame
Criminalised by defaults setting
Being self at all times
Treading the path of choice
No guidance or persuasions led
The deliverance of truth and outcomes
Faith in abilities
Fruits born of achievements
Devoid of societies gaze
This is the true deliverance
Of self worth’s tireless work
Belief and hard work
Wins the battles and wars ahead

Doug in hard
Pushing for glory
Fighting the demons
Confronting the challanges
Every step leads to paces
Stride for stride
Heart rate races
Life the ball in hand
Rucking with the Challangers
Scrum after scrum
Physicality gives way too intelligence
Thinking man’s game
Leads to endevours attained
Trophies of dreams
In stadiums of light
Bannished the darkness of hatred
Run for the line
Acheive the unbelievable
Become the number one
The ruler of your kingdom
Lift your world cup
And bask in your glory