Posts Tagged ‘train’


The horizon stretches far
Beyond our comprehension
Bewildering and new
It tantalised our senses
Drawing us forward
Powering achievements
Pricking curiosity alive
energizing focus and being alike
Propelling self forward
With excitement of future ventures
Place not yet explored
People not yet met
What is their truly to stop us
Stretch too horizons new
Take steps make journey
Live and explore
Freedom is ours now and always


Twisted contortions
Laid true and honestly
By hands of many on the gangs
Consepualities of transportations muse
Interlocking and transending spaces
Clickety clack of motions sound track
People buffered from place to place
Birth of idealistic Contentions
Individualised transparencies free
Life’s contained within these shuttles
Realism and mindfulness gaze
Journeys physical and mentaly endured
Destinations in time and space
Tickets purchased and punched Dailly
Never knowing where we will end
Socialisation and conformation
Freedoms push against the norm
Alight for this journey or hold on tight
On the train or minds in flight